Friday, January 9, 2015

SYT & Honey Bee

SYT & Honey Bee
Breakfast at Happy Garden's Dim Sum with SYT & LY......before SYT conitnues his Bee work at Bukit Antarabangsar......(cutted some bamboo trees from neighbour....). Used dog case from top store to keep the Rabbits for moving back to Ayer Tawar....

Opened cabinet at front of house to see Bee hive inside....

Kids late about 1 hour to badminton game at Carrefour......after breakfast...

HHoo about Kuchai Apartment balance of payment.......

Rental payment follow up by calls & smses.....

Maintenance fee for Nov-Dec 14 & Jan 15 for SP....water & Feb-Mar 15 will be next payment....

SP whatapp  today collection $29k....after clamping operations.....

Cashflow Quadrant - Audio Book Part 1

Published on Aug 28, 2013 - Get More Information and audio books.
Repetition is the source of mastery, and The Cash Flow Quadrant takes the excellent thinking in Rich Dad, Poor Dad and builds to another level of detail. This information will increase what you learned in Rich Dad, Poor Dad and help you begin the transformation from a salaried or self-employed person into a business owner and investor.
The definitions of these four quadrants are important. As an employee, you have a job. As a self-employed person, you own a job. As a business owner you have a system (such as a franchise like McDonald's) that produces cash flow for you and others work for you. As an investor, your money works for you. Rich people are getting more than 70 percent of their cash flow and income by having money work for them.

One of the strengths of the book is that it deals with the subtle psychological differences among people in the four different quadrants, especially on subjects like security and freedom. Kiyosaki and Lechter then do a nice job of helping you understand the difference between risky and taking risk. The latter is a good idea, when you know what you are doing, and the former is always to be avoided.

The book is not dogmatic, pointing out that good results can be reached in a variety of ways. You have to decide which ones are right for you. In general, you are encouraged to move from the employee and self-employed side for your income to the business owner and investor side. Then, take your cash flow and expand it into investments.

Another of the strengths of the book is to make it clearer what the advantages of income property are. In these Internet stock-crazed days, many are looking only to stocks and missing good commercial property opportunities.

There are lots of good questions you can use to help frame your road through the cash flow quadant. At a minimum, you will become much more financially literate. With the help of the 7 steps here for making the necessary changes, you should begin to make the transition.

The book has a nice conversational tone that turns personal economics into common sense examples and principles.

The downside of any book about changing your life is that you can read it much faster than you can master the lessons and apply them. I suggest that you schedule time to reread this book over the next 10 years. That's the best way to check up on yourself and how you are doing.

I do recommend that you read Rich Dad, Poor Dad first. You'll get much more out of this book if you do that. Then you'll begin to see opportunities where others see difficulties. Good luck with fulfilling your goals!


Honey Bee Queen Getting Balled in My Bare Hand (workers trying to kill the queen)

Fred Boucher
Uploaded on Aug 1, 2010
I found this cluster of bees under one of my mating nucs. Sometimes bees will abscond from a mating nuc and I thought this was one of those tiny swarm clusters caused by a colony of bees absconding from a mating nuc but it was not. The bees were too tightly clustered and they were agitated and loud squealing was heard from deep inside.
I can answer the questions you've asked. "Why don't the workers by the queen die too?" The worker bees have a higher tolerance to heat then the queen, the reason is the workers use this technique a lot, so they have developed a higher tolerance, the queen however, never takes part in this act, so she does not develop that heat tolerance. The other question, "Why are they doing this to her?" During her life the queen releases a pheromone that tells the workers that she is the queen, but towards the end of her life she stops producing the pheromone, so the workers think she is an intruder, so they defend the hive by killing the "intruder". 
The reason they are not stinging is that there is no hive. When a hive is attacked a pheromone is produced that sends the bees into a frenzy. Without that pheromone they are pretty docile. 


Dave Dennis

2 months ago
I knew honey bees were docile but I did not realize you could handle them this way. I think the honey bee is a very sacred insect. They don't hurt anyone and they produce the sweetest purest food known to man naturally. Most forms of bacteria will not grow in homey. It's so pure.
Hachimaro2 months ago
Most microorganisms don't grow in honey not because it's sacred or pure, but because of its high osmotic pressure (i.e. low water activity). Syrups work the same way. And don't think honey's totally free of bacteria, you can find endospores of Clostridium botulinum in it - that's why you shouldn't give it to infants.


+Lavenderrose73  I have seen 2 fertile queens in a single hive without any separator or human intervention only twice in 12 years of beekeeping . It is very rare, as usually they replace a queen that has real problems and is really unfit to carry on. I do not think that in a natural hive this would happen. On the forum of the beekeeping association I am a part of (~350 pro members ) I found only two others that had seen this happen. So even in a human influenced climate is very rare......two queens will simply not tolerate each other . So under natural condition you are right.... THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE :


  They raise the heat in the center by vibrating their wings in a manner that abstracts heat from the environment and release it directly in the center of their core. This is the way that they defend their hive against intruders also. By this way they "fry" the intruders  They are so dedicated to their purpose, that they don't even bothered to stink you. It's a great lesson that that you taught us by this video. We thank the uploader.

Other bees is not killing it these are protecting the queen, bees bake this ball to protect and make temperature in center higer than outside. Similar like this is in winter, when are cold bees make this ball and are making this noise, like we humans when we are getting colder we are doing something to get our body warm. In winter in normal bee ball in center can be about 30-40 celsius, and these are moving all time from center to outside and from outside to center, and like that all time. So like that these can survive cold winters. If bees want to kill someone then this guy can't hold them in hand like that :D

They are not docile, They are focused on the threat they perceived "Another queen bee" they can't sting her w/out dying but queen bees (like wasps) can sting multiple times....They use this to kill female(potential queen) offspring....the queen can't tolerate the same high temp as the they wrap her up in a ball & rub together until she fries, They sting giant threats to their colony (like Bears or anything else that likes honey) But the new queen can potentially kill their own queen & all it's larva. Smoke makes them sick to their stomach, so they gorge on honey until they can't move their stinger forward....That's how beekeepers I've been told

I watched a documentary on this same thing. When an intruder enters a bee hive such as a hornet to catch a bee , or larva for food , the bees attack in a ball like in this video. Researchers found that using thermal imaging, the bees would swarm the intruder without stinging , and basically kill the intruder by thermal heat. By swarming the intruder and using their wings, they create friction cooking their dinner in order to preserve the intruder for feeding the larva. 

I watched a documentary on something kind of like was about honey bees in Japan defending their hive from a scout giant hornet. They lure it inside the hive then some block the entrance while others cover it and cook it the way these are doing, Many die but they sacrifice themselves for the good of the hive because if it gets away and returns to its nest they will all be destroyed.
 Very very amazing!! I dont know if these find it a serious enough situation that they are willing to die just to kill a mistaken queen, but it is very interesting none the less!

The only thing obvious now was learned through investigation. Suggesting the natural world should not be disturbed due to the possibility that natural events could be influenced by the investigation itself would have kept us in the dark ages with regard to nature for many years. Unfortunately, I had to pick up the ball of bees and peel it back to the core (and video record it) in order for you to have the benefit of knowing what you now say is obvious. But thanks for posting.


Honey-from the hive to the jar

Uploaded on Mar 22, 2010
Extracting honey from a hive

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