Thursday, March 14, 2013

Amway Founders Crown Ambassador William Bill Britt

Founders Crown Ambassador William “Bill” Britt has passed away at the age of 81 on 13/1/2013. Britt, the founder and leader of Britt WorldWide, was one of the most successful yet controversial distributors in Amway’s history. Bill and his wife Peggy joined Amway in 1970, ten years after the company began, and built one of the largest Amway businesses in the world. They reached Diamond level in 1973 and Crown Ambassador in 1996. In 2004 they were recognized as Founders Crown Ambassador, FAA 40, one of only 14 Amway distributorships in the world to have reached that level.
The Britts are downline of Founders Crown Ambassador Dexter Yager, and were an integral part of the success and expansion of the “Yager System” in the 70s and 80s. The Britt’s eventually founded their own business support company, Britt WorldWide, which grew around the world, reaching great success particularly in India, where the Britt’s developed a second large Amway business, reaching Crown in 2009.
Their success was not without controversy however. Britt’s firebrand approach, with no apologies for mixing his strong evangelical Christian faith, political beliefs and business attracting devotion from many but criticism from others. In 2004 the Britt organisation was the focus of a Dateline NBC investigation into Quixtar (now Amway North America) and several of his downline distributors were disciplined by Amway as a result.

The Britt’s Amway legacy lives on, with  hundreds of Diamonds from around the world in their downline, including Paul & Leslie Miller and Larry & Pam Winters from the United States, India’s Founders Triple Diamonds, Harbhajan Singh & Mohinder Braich and Double DiamondsKanti & Lata Gala, China’s Founders Crown Ambassador’s Guo-Yuan Du & Ya-Qin Zhu (Matthew Du), England’s Double Diamonds Trevor & Jackie Lowe and Turkey’s Double Diamonds Hatice Firat & Mehmet Muratoglu and Merih & Nilufer Bolukbasi.

安利名人录之创办人皇冠大使:贝瑞德与佩琪夫妇Bill Britt and Peggy

 有一个人他年轻时因为父亲酗酒导致失业, 屋子被拍卖,造成在年少时就必须出来社会打工赚钱。 服完兵役后也考取了工程系高级学士并在North CarolinaCity Manager 很快他发觉他努力在他的专业工作, 但是并没有给与他和他的妻子一个比较好的生活方式。
他后来参与了一个名为蓝天的老鼠会被骗了美金一万块; 而必须努力工作3还债, 他急于寻找一个生意机会以便可以帮助他还债, 时一个也是被蓝天老鼠会欺骗, 而蒙受损失的朋友说可以有一个新的生意机会, 为安利事业(Amway)也许可以帮助到他,并鼓励他来了解。那一个晚上他去了那个朋友家,为了防止再度被骗, 他把他的钱包放在车里面并没有带下车。

 当他了解安利事业机会后, 发觉这是一个可以让他控制自己命运的事业机会。 这可以只要凭着自己的努力就可以赚取收入, 而且收入的多少完全凭自己有多努力。 就在他决定要开始这门生意时,他还是一名City Manager 但是他完全没有时间和理由不去从事安利事业, 他一定要完成财务自由的梦想而后凭借他们夫妻的努力,们在3年的时间达致钻石的奖衔,并开始享受财务自由, 并在1998年成为全球首户安利全球政策咨询委员会成员。
 们夫妻目前达致安利创办人皇冠大使FAA40 们的网络大概有150万人, 们的组织拥有超过 200户钻石, 2户皇冠大使,年营业额有数亿美金。很多人在了解一个新的事业机会之前都战战兢兢, 都在担心是否会被骗,都在担心自己能不能成功, 而他也和我们一样。怀疑是必须,求证更重要。
 他除了求证,还亲身验证了安利这个事业机会, 并充分享受了安利事业所带来的财务自由。

 “In college , I was taught to get a job and work hard ,” says Bill .
“But , when we realized that we could apply the same effort to our own business and be rewarded properly for it , we began to develop an educational system to teach other people how to own and operate their own businesses. We take the knowledge we learned the hard way and give it to others. We help them develop their business until they become our peers, and then they pass their knowledge on to others, and that pattern just keeps perpetuating itself.”

他教了全世界超过百万的人财务自由的概念, 并且有很多人从他的教导中也享受着财务自由。 让我们向他致敬! 他是谁?
他是安利创办人皇冠大使FAA40Bill Britt and Peggy
 他于2013123日离开了我们, 对全世界留下了一个楷模, 证明了一个可以成功的事业机会, 一个可以让你享受财务自由的事业机会, 一个可以让你的家人继承你伟大成就的安利事业
Tribute to Bill Britt

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