Saturday, March 1, 2014

GS HQ Training - 28/2/2014 (Friday) & Masrin Payment

Masrin Payment:-
TT RM3000 to Siti Irnawati 2320296598, BCA-Ampenan IDR10,204,082.00

GS HQ Training on 28/2/3014 at 8pm
Property Training by Stanley Wong & Brian Wee. MC JC.
Stanley Wong:-
Ask right Question, How long looking for this Area already ?
Onion story
Reasons of selling house :-
1) Ah Long
2) Divorce
3) Business Fail
4) Gambler/Debt by children...
MIG investors club interested buy property..Free hold, below market JC.
Issuancy area lige OUG, Union Height and many more to come....

Brain Wee
Why Clients reject ?
Introduced Richard Branson's Book - Like a Vrigin....extra special/best services
Google drive share information....
6 Reasons Why People Don't Buy
1. They Don't understand - unclear, specification
2. They Don't want/Value
3. They Don't Trust you
4. They Don't Believe they can afford it
5. They Don't Believe they can do it
6. They Don't Want It Now....

1. Scarcity
2. Put aside accuses....Close
3. Bonus...special for women...
4. Loss If not having it now....may regret in future....
5. Doubt this may not for you....

Private Equity Investment-Stanley & Brain Wee's USB Card for those act very fast.

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