Monday, January 30, 2012

Ping Sien Si Tua Pek Kong Temple 品仙祠大伯公廟


 Ping Sien Si Tua Pek Kong Temple at Pasir Panjang Sitiawan Perak  is in a Malay Village and fishing village, most villagers rely on the sea for a living. While several chinese home in the village. Here have 48 footer tall statue highest in the country’s like Tua Pek Kong, Guan Yin and Tin Hau Nien Nien as well as large and small total number of 76 sacred statue. The temple cost about 8 Million to build.
We drove our car into the Malay village and fishing village, and then came to a large open space in the parking lot, if we want to rely on the GPS, we may felt in the middle of very wrong has left the fishing village, because just look at the fishing village appearance difficult imagine that there is such a large open space of the temple. Parking is in front of the beach. Parking is free of charge, I believe the 20 buses to be parked is not a problem.


雳州绒县实兆远Pasir Panjang 是一个以马来人大部分的渔村,大多数的村民抖擞都是靠出海为生。而在该地方有数户华人住家而已。但在这里有一间品仙祠大伯公和观音堂,全国最高最大的48尺大伯公石雕像观音观音菩萨和天后娘娘,以及大小不一总数76尊的各神圣雕像品仙祠大伯公庙的成本约8百万建立。

我们车子走入马来 渔村,然后来到了一个大空地的停车场,如果要我们靠GPS来的话,我们可能在半途中觉得很不对劲已经离开了这个渔村了,因为单看渔村外表难以想象到里面有个这样大空地的庙宇。停车场前面就是海边。停车场不收费,相信要停放20辆巴士也不是问
Ping Sien Si Tua Pek Kong Temple

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