Saturday, February 28, 2015

CNY Day 10 - Cannaan CCTV & CNY Gathering

Morning walk x4 & Jogged x 3...breakfast at home....

Reconfirm Amway order with LMY.....& Office..Amway promotion items videos...

Nutrition & Wellness Promotion February 2015 - 4-Piece Glasslock Food Container Set (CN)


HomeTech January 2015 Promotion Video - Frozen Treat Maker (EN)

Lunch with JY & JQ at 126...

Canaan CCTV
- Continued trouble shooting....AC direct to first everything OK but suddenly AC power can not reach the cameras.....(confirm that power cable problem so by pass used other AC point nearby...)....2 cameras tested OK but one still have no display...founded that the video cable at camera side problem after fixed it, it was ok for awhile...when wanted to cover up all power point but suddenly all AC power supply cut off including the DVR recorded & Monitor also off......but others areas and aircond, lighting still OK ?
- After traise the DVR recorded power supply source link to Pr.Siew Teng's table power point was also no power supplier but have to call off to be continued on tomorrow because rushed to buy ais cuid for tonigiht CNY gathering at Uncle RWong residential...

Water Supply reconnection
- SP5 reconnected......
- Coconut fresh & water cost ($3.50 but no ais so cost $3.00 per pc) still by the indon lady changed to Tea Ais cost $2.00 per pack
- TSinaran the lock whole set missing....??

CNY Gathering at Uncle RWong residential
- Most guest were church members...
- Met RWong's neigbour....from Pulau Ketam dealing with Carpet business supplied to Hotel, offices...owned at few shop lots(corner) at Sg Loong rental about 10k last time bought it about 1mil plus..
- He was a first person stay at Sri Petaling bungalow...bought the land cost $26 per sqft.....
- Their son in law from Japan (came to Malaysia about 4 years ago) like marathon sport....

Football Premier League live (Astro)- manchester united vs sunderland

Manchester United vs Sunderland match report: Wayne Rooney scores twice but referee Roger East sends off Wes Brown instead of John O'Shea

Beautiful penalty kidck by Roney..
Manchester united 2 vs Sunderland 0

Friday, February 27, 2015

CNY Day 9 & SRJK (C) Chinese National

Morning walk & Jogged x 3, breakfast at home....

Facebook account
- Tiger LMT linked a meaningful SRJK (C) Chinese National standard 6 school photo

Tai about WMS Technology ....will consult Lawyer or JOng...

Nexgram Q and Sold.....

Waited McGoh but did't turn up....

Lunch at SP Mc....then SP5 3-33A lock the water supplied at 3pm......before 5pm. tenant made payment...

Singaproe series....

SLL Evening walk..then Pasar Malam, food for dinner....too much bec JY & JQ went for Cellgroup steamboat dinner at SP....

Tonight Project - special(N & S together)....then continue lated to complete the project...

Thursday, February 26, 2015

CNY Day 8 - Bai Tian Gong 拜天宫 & Nam Hwa 84 at Fong Lye

CNY Day 8 Bai Tian Gong 拜天宫 – 福建人的新年 

(Bai Tian Gong celebration – the Hokkiens’ New  Year)

Tonight was the 8th day of the first month of lunar calendar. On the 9th day, it would be the celebration known to the Hokkiens as ‘Bai Tian Gong’, which literally means ‘praying the Heaven God’.

During a Chinese New year of the Ming Dynasty, there was a bandit raid in the province of Hokkien. These intruders however robbed and burned down villages, attacked and killed the villagers. The people of the villages were in fear and escaped from their burnt villages during the night.

Some of the villagers then hid themselves among the sugarcane fields. Needless to say, those villagers prayed to Heaven God (Tian Gong) for salvation during their hideout. The pursuing intruders spent many days trying to locate and hunt them but to no avail. On the ninth day of that Chinese New Year, they finally gave up and returned to their region.

The Hokkiens then happily emerged from the sugar cane fields, and praising the blessings of the celestial deities and owing gratitude to the sugarcane plants for saving them from destruction. Thus, in all Hokkien celebrations, the sugarcane plant is given prominence.

Realizing that it was alsothe 9th Day of the Chinese New Year and coincidentally the birthday of Heaven God, they decided to make votive offerings and prayers to the Jade Emperor for their salvation. There are many version ofthe Hokkiens’ Bai Tian Gong stories. Whichever it is, the hokkiens believe that our life and prosperity are granted by the Heaven God.

On the eve of the 9th day, a pair of sugarcane plants are used by the Hokkiens usually placed one on each side of the offering table orthe front door of the house. The pair of the sugarcanesymbolises unity, cooperation and strength. The sugarcane itself is a symbol of harmony and a token which can bring good and ’sweet’ results. The very straightness of the sugarcane stem also ensures that the Hokkiens can become a clan of honest and sincere people.

Morning walk & jogged  x 3 then sweep.....breakfast at home..

Canaan CCTV
Cannaan CCTV connected to battery 2 x cameras ok but one no display...tested AC power cabling be continued by AC power solutions.....
- DC power supply tested at home wihtout load heating so far so good....
- Camera tested in office...OK...

Cukai Taksiran/Cukai Tanah
- Called related authorities to confirm amount of cukai need to be paid.
- Cukai taksiran due on 28/2/105 & Cukai Tanah due on 31/5/15...
- Payment made by using S&C Master card online in bill payment...

Nam Hwa 84 CNY gathering at Fong Lye Mid Valley..

Photo taken by AL's Iphone 6

Cheers and thanks to Boss Hu!

Taxi Taxi - NTV7


Published on Aug 31, 2013

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

CNY Day 7 - 人日節 & Canaan CCTV Problem

Renri message from whatapp group.....STT asked Human born by whom ?....ML answer his mom....then his mom born by whom.....?

Renri (Chinese:人日Wade-Giles: Jen2-jih4, literally Human Day) refers specially to the 7th day of zhengyue (正月, the first month in the Chinese calendar). According to Chinese customs, renri was the day human beings were created. It is celebrated not only in China, but also other regions influenced by Chinese culture.


Uploaded on Feb 1, 2011

中國民間稱初七這天為「人日」 「人口日」 「人七日」「人勝節」 「人慶節」 「人生節」 「人氣」 「七元」或「七元日」 「七元節」。此節是中國古代比較重大的節日,但是今天在中國已經消亡,在日本還在流行­。 
在 神話傳說中,女媧被看成是創世神和始祖神,是一位神通廣大的女神,能化生萬物,搏土造­人和煉石補天。女媧在造人之前,於正月初一造出雞,初二造出狗,初三 造羊,初四造豬,初五造牛,初六又造出馬,到了初七這一天,女媧用黃土和水,仿照自己­的模樣,造出了一個個小人來。她造了一批又一批,感到速度太慢,於是 扯下一根籐條,蘸滿泥漿,揮舞起來,星星點點的泥漿,灑在地上,都變成了人。那麼富貴­的人是女媧親手摶黃土造的,而貧賤的人是泥漿灑落在地上變成的。就這 樣,大地上很快佈滿了人類的蹤跡。為了人類的繁衍不息,女媧創建了婚姻制度,使人類依­靠自己的力量傳宗接代,繁衍下去。因此成為中國第一個媒人,被後世遵 奉為媒神之祖,也就是婚姻之神。那些結了婚而沒有兒女的,也紛紛向女媧求子,於是這位­媒神又兼作了送子娘娘。後來女媧補天,拯救人類免於滅頂之災,成為人 類的保護神。所以女媧娘娘亦被奉為地母,又稱無上虛空地母、大道玄玄虛空地母、無上虛­空地母無量慈尊。
漢 代東方朔《占書》記載,農曆新年的首八天為人和不同畜牧作物的生日,依次序為「一雞,­二狗,三豬,四羊,五牛,六馬,七人,八谷。」晉朝董勳《答問禮俗 說》記載:「正月一日為雞,二日為狗,三日為豬,四日為羊,五日為牛,六日為馬,七日­為人。」 故此,每年正月初一為雞的生日,初二為狗的生日,依次,初七為人的生日,初八為谷的生­日,接著,初九為天的生日,初十為地的生日。
古人認為 正月初七以晴為好,寓意人壽年豐,天下大同。漢時東方朔的《占書》中就有「初七人日,­從旦至暮,月色晴朗,夜見星辰,人民安,君臣和會」 「其日晴明溫和,為蕃息安泰之候;陰寒慘烈,為疾病衰耗之征」的說法。而且《占書》還­說:正月初一晴,雞則繁育,陰雨則雞不繁。二日的天氣好壞兆狗,三日 兆豬......以此類推,至正月初七,如果天晴,則表示人丁興旺。若恰巧在這一天有­孕婦分娩則更為喜慶。清代乾隆皇帝認為自己於雍和宮出生,故每年人日都會到雍 和宮瞻禮,據《清高宗御制詩集》記載:「來瞻值人日,吾亦念初生。」

 Morning fetched Jie then walk & Jogged x 3, cleaning neigbor area......

DoHK recommeded Mieco & Prlexus(8966) based on EPS.....tomorrow dinner with AlexLoi at Mid Valley 7pm..

Lunch at restoran near to PBB.....

Canaan CCTV Problem
Chong called regarding CCTV problem......went to check 3 camera no display problem & trouble shooting,  when check the voltage drop to 6-8V instead of 12V when connected with a camera...raining caused the checking postpone to tomorrow....

Spice Up 幸福料理 - NTV7

SLL & Jie....

Evening walk with SLL.....met UAndrew & AMarry....

SP Claypot Chicken Rice(RM12 for large pot)...for dinner....

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

CNY Day 6 - Cheras Prima Auction & Microsoft Outlook Contact

Innova car coud't start...due to battery contact loose....fetched SLL to school.....tighten the battery connection...tested OK.

Jie took 2x nasi lemak.....and lunch Ha Ka Mee (sold out) then vege rice....

HewKL called for lunch.....

Cheras Prima - Auction House
- Reconfirm with auction at 12noon before buy bankdraf....
- Bicycle....LRT....around AIA building....
- More then 10 price RM45k....ended RM85k again by the indian buyer...
- Bukit OUG Condo single bidder research price RM420K....
- Still have alot bought at reserved price...

6pm Spore series...& Evening walk x 3, Jie & JY cycling..., SLL preparing for the dinner.....

Microsoft Outlook Contact
Microsoft outlook contact match with WhatApp contact for Supplier - sending CNY greeting....

Propwall updating on 17-18 & 23/2/15....above $100k first...then below $100k..

Tai CNY open house invitation on 28/02/2015 (Saturday)....

2015 CNY Day 5 & First Working Day (150223)

Morning 6:00am left Ayer tawar toward KL....

7:39am Sun raised at Tanjung Karang...

8:22am Car battery short circuit caused by screw lose, luckily discoverd ealier (because experience before the signal, airbag and other indicators was on/off...)....the battery connector heated (red color on the matter)..disconnected to overheated contact then every OK....

Office no one working yet......

XJun for miss out items at Ayer Tawar....2 x Nutrilite protein.....ext hdd, seagate video player....LMY..about this month bid....

Dinner at SP-Mc.......

Shalin Soccer - TV2

Comedy Movies 2015+ Stephen Chow Full Movies English Subtitle | Shaolin Soccer Full Movie

Published on Jan 21, 2015
A young Shaolin follower reunites with his discouraged brothers to form a soccer team using their martial art skills to their advantage.
Director: Stephen Chow

Project with C.......

Sunday, February 22, 2015

2015 CNY Day 4 & Damai Laut Resort

Morning breakfast at Ayer Tawar Friendship resotran...first experience biggest group ever before....Tua Ma, her brother, YT family, Ykeong family, SSS family, chian chian family.... cost more then $100,

Explained to kids/parent about yesterday games/cards & players charaters.....QJing ask for manual,..

Called Yukk Kg merbau/Inspecotr Ing...Huts....

Visited Carevilla home....shared about her young christianity life......

Visited CKS at ayer tawar...about aunt 70th birthday ..didn't know CYS driving teksi....this year no transport

Delicious home cook lunch (Lam Ba kou/pork, prawn, soup...) at Ayer Tawar.....& YT's fresh pure honey juice.....

YML must back to Behrang for their whole family gathering...traffic jam ..

SYKeong went to fishing, SYT harvest honey at Ni hoo house..

Visited Kg Jering SLL's Tua Koo....wild po dry meat ( bit salty)....SSS & family, then forward to Damai Laut resort by Sekari way....

Damai Laut Resort
- DLR apartment in Auction about $100k plus, feedback by SKK Petornas bought about 10 units of the apartment recenlty....
Four wheel motorbike riding(contract to Pangkorian) riding....sun set photographing.....( alot mosquito & snake-king cobra).....Back to Ayer tawar using Kg Baru way (Less car) instead of kg sitiawan way....after check on google map the distance is almost same...
- DLR business good on first & 2nd of CNY holiday...

Dinner at BHP....delicious mom cook shake fin soup.....11pm went to bed ealier for tommorow ealy morning travel back to KL....plan at 4am (purposed to avoid traffic jam and reach KL morning SLL & JQ continued to school.....

Saturday, February 21, 2015

2015 CNY Day 3 & Games/cards

Breakfast at home....Home cook fried noodle & last night's Ro Ma Kai...

Repaired water leaking at Master bedroom with SYKeong...
- SYKeong overcome the experienced to master bedroom area..
- The rust connector open by big Spanal (2 sets)...
- Purchased parts from Ayer tawar shop ( Float holder &....cost Rm60)
- Bough baby frog for tomorrow fishing program

New Year Visiting
- Traffice Jam at Ayer Tawar & Simpang Lima Junction traffic police experienced....
- Kg Koh Aunt....about last night birthday dinner & health experienced sharing..
- Kg Acheh Aunt said last night was her mom birthday celebrations....when ask their age was 70..pick some plant house back yarb....received ang pao from aunt and given some pocket money to her..
- Sitiawan Ong family (JLong- 4kids, JChow-new born kid-3days only, JSing-3kids), met uncle not good & movement slowly....
- Traffic Jam at Ayer Tawar town.....used behind shops lane to avoid the jam...

168 Firework cost RM380....

(Cards-BlackJet/21point) Mathematic & Phycology session with kids..
- CFong lose about $2 (given back)..when won increased bet when lost reduced bet...
- QHao won about $2, QJin don't know how to play and ask for manual....breakeven..,SSing..
- Qzhi, Qren..quite experience on playing the games
- XJun,JYing,XJie Not so experience on the games

2015 CNY First Day - Sean Woo Wedding Day & Dinner (150220)

2015 CNY First Day

Sean Woo Weddding Day
- New Year Greeting Cards- T-Set (M) Sdn. Bhd. - Hilti Accredited Contractor-Voo Min Tien (019-6680633)
-Morning Venice Graden Sri Manjung for Sean Woo's Weeding day celebrations.....delicious home cook curry chicken, fried chicken, Koru, peanut soup(most delicious) among all foods...
- Ang pao ceremony...
- Photograph session...

Replied from Canada....Computer Class/ Cafe Cafe at ayer tawar, all kid stick to computer, laptops, ipad.....

Sean Woo Wedding dinner at Sitiawan
- Restoran Michelin Star near Big fish shop at Sitiawan before Sri Manjung Traffic light
- Aunt Kg Aceh's 70th Birthday celebrations.....did't know that....

Thursday, February 19, 2015

2015 CNY First Day & 南华霸使 Nan Hwa 84 CNY Gathering

2015 CNY 1st day....Raining continued from yesterday...

12:00 kids playing fire crakers.......Ang.. pao to kids (AJJ) & Sll (AFHH)...

01:00 JQ, JY, XJie & QZhi went to Ayer Tawar's Mamak restoran to have our CNY first day ealiest breakfast....Mee Maggie & Mee goreng...cost RM32.60 for 5 persons.....

New idea photo for CNY taken by CJQ
Profile Picture for Facebook, Whatapp......

Facebook background picture updated....

08:30am CNY greeting by Whatapp & Facebook.....

Newer version of CNY greeting wishes for ALL.....

09:00am Red wine mee sian chicken soup.....

Whatapp more then 3000 contact in listing...

Elderly Ang Pao giving time.....Tua Ma, kung kung, Ma Ma, Tua Ku, Ni Ku.....

Lunch steam ball, yi mee, vege......

Fixing master bedrrom's tangki overflow....rusted nedd a large spanar....

Class of 1984 (SMJK Nan Hwa 1979 ~ 1986)南华霸使
  • at 7:00pm in PST
    Starts in about 2 hours
  • PT28003, Off Jalan Kg Bintang, 32000 Sitiawan
Together with Huts to the gathering....

Few new friends with us...

Group photos taken by using alex's smart phone

TDKwong joint us later and sharing with about each classmate and others....a lot of fun...

Gatering ended at 12:30am morning on 20/02/2015

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

2015 CNY Greeting (Chinese New Year Eve)

All noodle restoran in Ayer Tawar was kam puan mee to eat.....

Breakfast at home (BHP).....

Kg merbau Pei Cheong Canteen but no electricity.....then postpone to afternoon.....repalced new camera...

EYong Timber today off...

Sitiawan Carevilla home .....CCHeong with old college.....

Yuan Hwa Retoran....CNY reunion order....met WCN......(this year a messy on miss ordering...)

Telekom fixing telephone line for BHP ( streamyx ok but phone line no tone problem).......

GDex's beautiful CNY Ang Pao packs.....

2015 CNY Greeting
CNY Greeting message for Whatapp & Facebook....

1st version of CNY greeting....

2nd version of CNY greeting...

Family version of CNY Greeting....

Watching ASTRO CNY celebration whole Malaysia show...and New year count down with ASTRO........

12:00pm still raining......Fire Craker & fire works every where in Ayer Tawar.....

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

CNY small gahtering & Resotran Tian Wai Tian

Pang Kee Dim Sum Restoran

CNY small gathering
YongNS, ToHK, LHM(Alex) & Huts...later japanese boy(LCK) joint Sri Petaling Dim Sum...(Ro Kan each one)....

Lunch at Shanghai Restoran opposite Public Bank

Tea Time at SP (TKF) joint us....

Replaced power supply for Canaan's CCTV.....

- Fazil called will made payment...
- Keys not found experience.....under the car seat.....
- unlock water supplied....

- called prospect can not reach/no pickup
- owner called...will keep them update....

Resotran Tian Wai Tian
Dinner at Restoran Tian Wai Tian Kuala Selangor
- Met Ang family  & Neu neu also dinner there
- waited about one hour....

Kenanga Wholesale City & CNY Videos (150216)

Morning fetched TTK & OAL to HUKM for eyes checking....wheel chair without leaving IC...
(Park at Swimming pool car park-Bicycle)....Continued by SLL...

LowWK lunch at 126
- preleader & leader annual lunch at restoran near viva home...
- closed a 890k deal at kota kemuning...lead from (By master listing...) Malay owner & buyer. Buyer dealing with gold bursiness..
- 10 brothers & sisters....elder brother in Austratlia.....Lawyer brother every year have lion dance at first day of CNY...

Kenanga Wholesale City
Evening to Kenanga Mall for SLL & Jying shopping (Park & Bicyecle), cycling around the kenanga mall....

Kenanga Wholesale City currently known as KWC Fashion Mall, is Malaysia's first fashion wholesale mall.[3] It is located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, a few minutes from the city's Golden Triangle, in the fashion wholesale area of Jalan Kenanga. KWC Fashion Mall has 500,000 sq ft of nett lettable space and houses more than 800 wholesale and retail shops as well as boutiques selling a range of fashion-related merchandise including women’s, men’s and children’s apparel, accessories, shoes and leather goods.
Starstage@KWC is a 20,000 sq ft purpose-built concert hall and event space at Level 15 of KWC Fashion Mall that has hosted several concerts and events including Indonesian pop-rock bank Ungu “Tercipta Untukku” Live in Malaysia in February 2014,[6]Korean actor Lee Kwang Soo Fan Meeting in January 2014,[7] Korean actor and singer Lee Min Ho Concert in June 2013,Malaysian International Gourmet Festival (MGIF) in November 2013,[9] TVBStar Awards Malaysia in December 2013 [10] and Mandopop boy band Super Junior M in 2012, to name a few. KWC Fashion Mall is endorsed by Tourism Malaysia as a Kuala Lumpur Must Visit Destination.
The Grand Opening of KWC Fashion Mall took place on 26 May 2012, with Korean superstar band Block B, Malaysian rock band Hujan and other big names from entertainment and fashion in attendance.

Kenanga Whole Sale City English

CNY video from youtube....Mgirl

M-Girls 四个女生 2015 - 新春佳期 Xin Chun Jia Qi

CCTV Power supply (10A) with casing & fan.....testing for overnight & heating

Sunday, February 15, 2015

SP27 & GM Klang

Morning wakeup late....breakfast at home.

SP27-Sri Petaling House for Rent..
SP27 house viewing.....met Mr. Chan & his son....
-Rashid verbally accepted and need more details to be email to him and will confirm in 1-days time..

Collect Power switch from Liz....

GM Klang

Malaysia’s Wholesale At It’s Best – GM KLANG

GM Klang is a newly developed Wholesale City and another successful project by TSI Holdings Sdn Bhd. With previous experience gained from their first project, the well known Plaza GM in Kuala Lumpur, the company is set to multiply their success by introducing their brand new concept and ideas at this brand new mall.

GM Klang CNY celebrations
- First time experienced companion by Jying....(ready bicycle in case alot people)
- Not much people there...easily got the parking...
- visited the booths there....
- Costume rent for photograph ( RM5 per set) small changed so took another set....
- went to AEON for dinner....most all them already closed....

Saturday, February 14, 2015

卓越年會 & 詭愛 Haunting Love

Morning walk & Jogged x3, NL for breakfast but sold-out again, shared about DBKL experience and also RC stall, Soon Fatt owner for business expension to put tables for at night....

Breakfast  2 x cherry, 2 x CP-Sardin, 2 x CP-kentang & Dnut(Today no discount)......mix cofee, origin cofee, coffee latte.....

Jong shared about his expansion and plan.... car tyres....alot company changed sole propritors to Sdn Bhd.....may want to consider to move new office......some opionion about suspend an employee tactic and reminder letters, resignation letter.....

Kenny - CCTV at church had problems.....checked and need to replace the power supplier....

Nasi Kerabu by SLL for lunch.....

Wong Soon Yee met in office to verify about negotiator license....project duels at KLCC (by his friend) appointed as a sales representative....

Plan to GM Klang but abit late so changed the plan to OUG Parkson to shopping & dinner....Bonus link retemption counter.....

詭愛 Haunting Love - usb HDD

詭愛 Haunting Love 2012

Published on Jun 5, 2013
Sub Ingles /Chinese movie/ Horror
Love and betrayal with a supernatural twist are the name of the game in Ting Liang's Haunting Love and there's new posters and trailer to give us a taster of what to expect. Trail wise, once you get through the protagonists doing "the nasty" (oh so tastefully done mind) you're on to the horror, and have to say it looks rather good. Haunting love


Published on Mar 4, 2014


Published on Mar 4, 2014


Published on Mar 4, 2014


Published on Mar 4, 2014

Friday, February 13, 2015

傅後堅FAA60 & SP5 JMB Meeting

Morning walk & Jogged. Breakfast NL finish only left CP.....20% discount...

Sony smart phone voice feature activated itself.....

Ms. Julie enquiry about SP15 Steve Wong feedback already sold ($625k) waiting for bank loan approval (next week)....

Siah 3kv APC Returned.....collected Dell 2.2kva UPS for Checking..

AmtTan/Jun collected the faulty UPS for checking and also collected a Chq ( already 156 days)...

ICity - Water theme park, Snow house & ISovo.........not many people there and few unit Isove for sales banners....

Taman Cahaya Shah Alam at 5:20pm experienced (closed at 4:30pm).....

Traffic jam at Batu Tiga, Glenmarie.......

SP5 JMB Meeting
- Securities.....large disposable items.....extra guard for CNY....
- Building Manager- Yusoft problem...
- Auditor matters....need another meeting for more details...
- Accounting issue..

2013 傅後堅FAA60分表揚 08 傅後堅激勵演說

Published on Aug 13, 2013

Thursday, February 12, 2015

HUKM Premier & Patrick & Joyce Joe

Morning fetced Jie to school then went to walk & jogged x3......

HUKM Premier
- Dr. Zulkifree.....ask about still consum medication....ask him refer to the filing....
- Appointment another 6 months later.....went to 1st floor for the appointment because of ProTong case is special..

Battery connector rusted can not open, opened by Mechanic (RM50 per serviced...)....

Patrick & Joyce Joe

Amway Thailand Crown Patrick Joe Speech In Malaysia Day 1

Published on Feb 22, 2013
Amway Thailand Crown Patrick Joe Speech In Malaysia Day 1

Amway Thailand Crown Patrick & Joyce Joe Speech In Malaysia Day 2

Published on Feb 22, 2013
Amway Thailand Crown Patrick & Joyce Joe Speech In Malaysia Day 2

Patrick & Joyce Joe are the youngest Crown Ambassador in the world. Patrick Joe and Joyce Joe started their business in Thailandin 2002 when they were 24 and 21, and achieved 3% in the first month, 21% in the second month with first leg break out. In the third month they achieved a Ruby volume and broke the second leg. After just 4 months in the business they had 3 qualified legs and in March 2003, just six months after the sign-up, they achieved Platinum with six qualified groups and Pearl pins and in April 2003 they achievedRuby. They achieved Emerald in 11 months and Diamond in 23 months. In 2006 they became Executive Diamond and in 2007 they achieved Founders Diamond. In 2010 they became Founders Executive DiamondDouble Diamond and Founders Double Diamond and in August 2011 they qualified as Triple Diamonds. In 2012, They achieved Crown in 2012 and Crown Ambassador in 2013.
They went to expand their business to North America (U.S.A. and Canada) on September 2009 and were recognized as new Silvers in Sep 2009, New Platinum and Ruby in February 2010, new Founders Platinum Plus in August 2010 and Emerald in February 2011. In August 2011 they achieved Founders Emerald and Diamond.
In the Philippines they went to expand their second bussiness in October 2008 and were recognized as new Silvers in December 2008, new Pearl in February 2009, new Platinum in July 2009, andEmerald in August 2009 and in November 2010 they achieved a level of Founders Emerald.
They are founding members of Braveberry Group.

Achievements In Thailand

Joined: September 2002
Platinum: March 2003
Ruby: April 2003
Sapphire: June 2003
Emerald: August 2003
Diamond: July 2004
Founders Platinum: August 2004
Founders Sapphire: August 2005
Executive Diamond: July 2006
Founders Emerald: August 2006
Founders Diamond: August 2007
Double Diamond: February 2010
Founders Executive Diamond: August 2010
Founders Double Diamond: August 2010
Triple Diamond: August 2011
Crown : July 2012
Crown Ambassador: August 2013

2013 傅後堅FAA60分表揚 08 傅後堅激勵演說

Published on Aug 13, 2013

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Acerola Cherry爱斯罗拉樱桃 & Chan Lee Sean 曾丽仙

Morning fetched Jie only, Jun follow JQ to school....

Brekfast at home, early to office before 8am.....for new investment plan...

Mckenzie collected Amway Silicon polish....for his son friend's fixing paint...

APC UPS battery replacement.....battery connectors can't open....

Project with assistant....still the same....

Sleeping time after then NTV7 New...11pm...

Acerola Cherry爱斯罗拉樱桃

Acerola Cherry for CNY gift in from interenet.....

NUTRILITE™ Acerola Cherry Drink Mix

Published on Apr 3, 2012
Nutrilite Acerola Cherry From Certified Organic Brazil Farm

The Acerola Cherry - Acerola Benefits

Uploaded on Feb 8, 2011

i'm an amway bussines owner my self and i used to work in a wharehouse in wich were temperatures of 20 degrees celsius below zero so (-20 celsius), and i was taking acerola c and it really helped me in the perios when i was working there. no i dont work there (thank god) but acerola c is very efficient !! in fact all nutrilite products are the best in the world and they really help us to keep our health.

Acerola Fruit Health Benefits

Published on May 4, 2014
Acerola is sometimes referred to as acerola berry or acerola cherry. Rich in antioxidants (including vitamin C and anthocyanins), acerola is often sold in supplement and juice form. nutrition facts and health benefits. Regular exercise can help protect you from heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure, noninsulin-dependent diabetes, obesity, back pain, osteoporosis, and can improve your mood and help you to better manage stress.

Chan Lee Sean曾丽仙

Celebrating Founders Crown Ambassador Chan Lee Sean曾丽仙

Chan Lee Sean’s Founders Crown Ambassador Recognition Meeting will take place on 11 Feb 2015 from 8.00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m. Head down to the SPICE Arena in Penang and be part of the excitement!
​1.​We were informed that there is construction work taking place in the vicinity area of the SPICE Arena. Therefore, we strongly encourage those attending FCA Chan Lee Sean’s Recognition Meeting to car pool or be there early to avoid any delay or traffic congestion.
​2.​Please remember to bring your own FM Radio device and earphones to tune in to live interpretations in Chinese, Bahasa Malaysia and English.

Founders Crown Ambassador Chan Lee Sean曾丽仙

Published on Feb 5, 2015
Founders Crown Ambassador Chan Lee Sean
Chan Lee Sean is a legend in the Amway business. She learned about the Amway business from an old friend, Tan Kim Huat. What attracted her to the business was the low start-up cost. At the time, she was a stay-at-home mom, and wanted to improve her family’s financial situation.
She joined Amway in 1976. She took her business very seriously and reached the Direct Distributor level (Platinum) in less than a year. She reached Diamond in 1983. Chan Lee Sean is currently a Founders Crown Ambassador. She is the 3rd Founders Crown Ambassador in Malaysia.
She founded and participates in the S.A.C. Lines of SponsorshipLOS. The purpose of SAC is to train and motivate Amway distributors within its line of sponsorship.
Her Upline Diamond is Sonny & Guat Hwa Ho. She has downlines in Hong Kong, China, Indonesia, Thailand, New Zealand and the United States. She is a huge Amway success story. Even better, her children are following her footsteps in the Amway business


Downline Diamonds

Amway Malaysia's 3rd Crown Ambassador - Part 3 (Final)

Uploaded on Mar 22, 2007
Chan Lee Sean, Amway Malaysia's 3rd Crown Ambassador, "We each have within ourselves the resources to turn our dreams into reality; we must take action and not procrastination"